Why am I having trouble checking out with my credit card?

Having trouble checking out? You can first check to see if it is the following reasons:

Were the details entered correctly? 

Check to see if there are any errors in the entry of the numbers or card details.

Is my card expired? 

This is often overlooked as a possible cause of checkout issues. You can try out a different card or look through all of our other payment options What payment options are available to buy content on MV?!

If all the details are correct and your card is still valid, there may be other, more specific reasons why you are having issues with checking out. Oftentimes, the error message that you receive will give you an insight as to what the issue could be. Some of the common ones you may encounter are:

Declined CVV2  

Check to see if there are any errors in the entry of the numbers or card details. For this error message, you would want to check the 3-digits found at the back of your credit card to make sure that they are the correct ones being entered.

Declined Invalid card 

The bank has indicated that the account is invalid. When you see this as an error message, this means that the bank does not recognize the numbers on the card. For this you will want to try again and ensure that the numbers being entered are correct.


This will be the error message if your financial institution has declined the transaction. Kindly reach out to your bank to learn more.

We also have a few unique transaction errors that you may encounter on the site. Here are a few examples and what you can do in those cases:

(216) Transaction Error

 If you are seeing this error when attempting to check out, you can reach out to us at help@manyvids.com so we can assist you further.

(208) Duplicate Membership

This may mean that you are attempting to purchase a subscription/membership that you have already purchased or are currently actively subscribed to. Do not try to purchase a different subscription length if this happens. Please reach out to our Support team if this is not the case and we will be happy to look into this for you.

If you are still having trouble with your purchase, feel free to reach out to us at help@manyvids.com and one of our Support Agents will get back to you with a solution!

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